Blue Bottle

Blue Bottle

Posted by MVC Digital on

Raw Silk Jacket Inspiration

The Blue Bottle (Physalia utriculus) or Indo-Pacific Portuguese Man-of-War, is a marine hydrozoan of the order Siphonophora found in the Indian and Pacific oceans.

A gas filled bladder allows it to float on the surface, propelled by currents, tides, and by a sail at the top of the bladder. A single long tentacle of venomous cnidocytes, hanging below the float, provides the animal with a means of capturing prey - or stinging unsuspecting swimmers as it floats past.

Thankfully, the ‘Blue Bottle’ Raw Silk Jacket will only sting passersby with its irrefutable style. The marine blue silk is delicately interwoven with a contrasting white and blue-metal silk in a modern herringbone weave which emulates the the currents and tides the Blue Bottle is propelled by. A delightful accompaniment to any outfit.

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 Blue Bottle

Blue Bottle
100% Handwoven
Raw Silk Jacket

Lining: 100% Silk
Buttons:Spanish Buffalo Horn
Weave time: 293 days
Weave yield: 31.5 yards

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